A lot has been said about the lack of size on the US front line. Many reports make it seem as though that's a viable excuse in the event they lose. There is absolutely no excuse for this team to not win it all. One thing I want to make clear. It's the media that keeps making excuses for team USA, not the team itself. The coaching staff and all of the players have maintained the mindset that this is their tournament and that if they lose it's on them.
Ok, so the US media is saying, "Well they have no size, how are they supposed to rebound?"
Do you know what every other team is saying?
"Derrick Rose AND Kevin Durant, how the hell are we supposed to stop that?!"
Other countries have TVs, they know what they're about to go up against.
The US is so much more talented than every other team they play that there is no reason why they should not win. A lot of these guys they are going up against aren't in the NBA, want to know why? It's because they're simply not talented enough. Now why should they lose to a bunch of guys who aren't even good enough to play in the same league as them. The only way I see the US losing a game is if they don't bring enough intensity. Every other country has their game with the US circled on their calender, that's their big game. It's crucial that the US match that intensity every night.
I'm not sure what other teams will do to try and slow down team USA. My guess is that they're going to play some variation of a 2-3 zone. The reason I say variation is because if it was a regular 2-3, the US would just put Kevin Love in the middle and tear it to pieces with cutters and spot up shooters, or at the very least an open jumper for a solid mid range shooter. Don't forget, the international three point line is much closer than the NBA three, don't be surprised to see guys pulling up way behind the line.
Despite its weaknesses, 2-3 seems like the way to go because they will need to make it so Rose and Rajon Rondo can't easily penetrate. Both of those lightening quick point guards will blow by pretty much anyone if they try to play them man to man. And once one of those guys gets into the paint the other team just has to pray that someone misses an open jumper.
I'm fairly certain that most teams won't press either because that's exactly what the US wants. A fast paced game plays right into their hands and if that's the case then it should be a blowout with the athletes the US has.
I know the USA Basketball program puts a lot of emphasis on, "checking your ego at the door." Before training camp starts every summer Coach K gives a long speech about how in order to win on an international stage everyone needs to sacrifice a lot. I completely agree with that philosophy in most cases because most of the time the roster is full of superstars. This year is a little bit different. There are only two players whom I would consider to be superstars and they are Kevin Durant and Derrick Rose. I would tell Rose to play like he plays in Chicago and I'd tell Durant to play like he does for the Thunder. Rose's scoring on his penetration will open up the perimeter, as well as taking a ton of defensive pressure off of Durant. If you don't think so then look at the scrimmage against Spain. At the end of the game Rose started being aggressive going towards the basket and it won the game for them. That's what he's good at, in my opinion he's one of the best players in the league at going to the basket, why fight it?
I am a huge Bulls fan so yes I am 100% biased in this theory but that doesn't make me wrong.
The bottom line is this. No matter what route they take in doing it, there's no legitimate reason why the US shouldn't come out on top.