Dwyane Wade is one of the many big names that will be whirling around the NBA come summer 2010, there have been many rumors as to what Wade will do. In a report by the New York Post Dwyane Wade has apparently ruled out a couple of teams saying, "I'm not thinking about the Knicks or the Nets. Only when we play them."
Wade went on to say, "I want to be in Miami, and I hope everything works out that way, I want to be one of those players that stays with one franchise for his entire career."
The bold is the key, Wade could be just saying that for his fans but I seriously doubt that. The place where Wade has been rumored to the most is Chicago, where Wade spent his childhood. Growing up in Chicago and now having a chance to play for the emerging Bulls is a very attractive offer but I can't help but think that Wade will pass. The reason why is because in Miami he's nothing short of a superhero, the Flash has left his mark on the city and leaving would be detrimental to his image for people like me. I'm one of those people who values loyalty as one of the most important components a person can have. And to me, Wade leaving Miami would be about as disloyal as anything. Wade, if he stays in Miami, is looking at a retired number, a legacy, and arguably most importantly a city of fans that will stick by him forever.
It will most likely not affect his economic standing wherever he goes because both teams will be offering him the farm. Miami may even have to throw in something else if Wade seems like he's leaning another way. In the event that Pat Riley doesn't re-sign the best player in Heat history strictly because he wouldn't pony up the money, he will be run out of town at the hands of an angry mob with pitchforks and torches.
If Wade leaves for Chicago he will be welcomed back with open arms, but is it worth disappointing all of those fans on Miami Beach? No, and because of all of these reasons I just can't see Wade playing anywhere but Miami for the rest of his career.