This post is a response to the various articles written in the last 3 days about Michael Jordan's Hall of Fame speech. The criticisms are that Jordan was too cold, too vengeful, and not nearly as grateful as he should have been. I just don't see how or why anybody believes this.
At the beginning of his speech, Jordan made sure to mention long time teammate and friend Scottie Pippen. Also, he talked about how David Thompson was an inspiration growing up, and that's why Jordan chose him as a sponsor. I felt that MJ gave just the right amount of praise without turning the speech into a long thank you note.
The majority of the head shaking is from Jordan's segment about how Bryon Russell motivated him to return to the NBA while still playing for the minor league baseball team, the Birmingham Barons. “I was in Chicago in 1994 … and at this time I had no thoughts of coming back and playing the game of basketball. Bryon Russell came over to me and said, ‘Why’d you quit? You know I could guard you. If I ever see you in a pair of shorts.... When I did come back in 1995 and we played Utah in ‘96, I’m at the center circle and Bryon Russell is standing next to me. I said, ‘You remember the [comments] you made in 1994 about, ‘I think I can guard you, I can shut you down, I would love to play against you? Well, you’re about to get your chance."
To me there is nothing rude or obnoxious with the way Jordan said that. Bryon Russell even released a statement saying how he was happy to be a part of Jordan's speech, “Out of all the people he came across, he thought about me. I’m happy to be in his Hall of Fame speech.”
I will admit that I cringed when Jordan talked about the conflict between him and the Chicago Bulls organization. Jordan's statement concerning the organization should have definitely been omitted.
“Jerry’s (Reinsdorf; Bulls owner) not here. I don’t know who’d invite him. I didn’t. I hope he understands it goes a long way. He’s a very competitive person. I was a very competitive person. He said organizations win championships. I said, ‘I didn’t see organizations playing with the flu in Utah. I didn’t see it playing with a bad ankle." This quote beautifully illustrates the Chicago tabloids from 1996-1998.
What people need to understand is that Jordan is a competitor in the most literal sense of the word. The day will never come where MJ lies down for anybody, that is what made him who he is. Jordan's absolute need to win is something that more athletes should have, it's what separates good from great. In this speech we can clearly see that Jordan's competitive fire still burns with white hot flames, and personally I was more than happy to see it. It would have been vastly out of character for MJ to go up there and act all humble like he's just another great player. It was obvious to everyone being inducted that this was Jordan's moment, why would anyone want to see him say the same things that we've all heard for years now? He told stories never heard before, and he was able to draw laughter from the crowd on a regular basis. In my opinion that is the definition of a good and successful speech.