After all the speculation of trades and holdouts David Lee's agent is reporting that the Knicks have a deal in place to retain their marquis PF. The exact conditions of the deal are not released but the deal is believed to be worth one year, seven million dollars.
Personally I believe that this is all part of a sign and trade. All summer the Knicks have been refusing to pay Lee over five million for one year and now they're willing to jump to seven? No way, Lee will most likely be dealt for a bunch of expiring contracts because the Knicks are known to be one of the front runners in the LeBron James sweepstakes next summer.
Nate Robinson, the NBA's most intriguing dunker has also reached an agreement to a one year, 2.9 million dollar deal. Robinson is a good bench player who will contribute on a nightly basis. Unlike Lee, Robsinson will most likely be staying in New York for the immediate future.